March 2022

Ask HN: Who operates at scale without containers?
578 by disintegore | 425 comments on Hacker News.
In other words, who runs operations at a scale where distributed systems are absolutely necessary, without using any sort of container runtime or container orchestration tool? If so, what does their technology stack look like? Are you aware of any good blog posts? edit : While I do appreciate all the replies, I'd like to know if there are any organizations out there who operate at web scale without relying on the specific practice of shipping software with heaps of dependencies. Whether that be in a container or in a single-use VM. Thank you in advance and sorry for the confusion.

Tell HN: A $40B company killed my 2yo son. Now they force me to keep silent
523 by bereavedparent | 103 comments on Hacker News.
My 2yo son was struck and killed by a garbage truck next to a children's playground in the SF bay area less than 2 years ago. The driver who has fled violated multiple traffic rules which directly caused my son's horrible death. We have evidence that the company's unimaginable level of negligence allowed this to happen and now they want us to sign an agreement forbidding us to disclose the details. I'm writing this in great pain as I was not able to talk about it for a long time. My entire family were devastated. My mom passed away unable to accept the loss. My wife suffers PTSD. I stopped working so that I can go to the cemetery to stay with my son everyday. It's been almost two years. They see our weakness not strong enough to go through litigation as it tortures us. They offered to settle through mediation with a laughable amount of money which I can earn in less than 4 years. And they want me to shut up so that they may do whatever they want to continue killing children in our neighborhood. My family want to settle and avoid the additional suffering. I feel so weak. I want to protect them as much as possible but know in my heart I need to fight. I would never forgive me if one day another child gets killed and I could have avoided the tragedy if I choose to fight. I need help. What would you do if you were me?

Show HN: HN Avatars in 357 bytes
534 by tomxor | 326 comments on Hacker News.
Paste the following into the console of any HN page - for annotated avatars on all HN comments. (self contained code) for(u of document.querySelectorAll('.hnuser'))for(u.prepend(c=document.createElement('canvas')),x=c.getContext('2d'),c.width=18,c.height=14,s=u.innerText,r=1,i=28+s.length;i--;i<28?r>>>29>X*X/3+Y/2&&x.fillRect(6+2*X,2*Y,2,2)&x.fillRect(6-2*X,2*Y,2,2):r+=s.charCodeAt(i-28,x.fillStyle='#'+(r>>8&0xFFFFFF).toString(16)))r^=r<<13,r^=r>>>17,r^=r<<5,X=i&3,Y=i>>2

Show HN: I made a web game called Almost Pong
488 by lessmilk | 97 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN! I made many small web games in the past with Unity or Phaser. But this time I wanted to make something completely on my own. So I coded a basic game framework in plain JavaScript, and used it to make Almost Pong. This was a really fun project that taught me a lot about JavaScript, and I plan to make more minimalist games with this framework. Interesting fact: Almost Pong doesn't load any assets, all sprites and sounds are generated with code. Happy to answer questions, and please let me know if you have any feedback on the game. Thanks!


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